. . . . and then again it is.
I never imagined that fitness could be so serious and so nurturing at the same time. Not that nurturing isn't serious, but we tend to take it more lightly. Most adults feel like their time of nurturing is over. We need to be only nurturing others.
I haven't seen everything they do at the Contours on Apriana Rd, but I hear-tell the employees are going to hula hoop instructor's training this weekend, and that soon we will be able to take these fitness hula hoop classes. Will they stop at nothing???? HA! I have to see this for myself when the time comes.
So much you can do to stay fit, and so many levels available. Lots of times I don't know what I want to stick to. When I was swimming it was easier. But here it's not just the range of activities but also in the kinds of people who come. Grannies are doing the zumba here, (I may be one of them in the weeks to come -just don't film me) and 50 year olds look like athletes, while beginners of any age go into it with all the confidence in the world.
I remember a previous personal trainer in a previous life told me ....
changing your exercise really helps to keep you in better shape. Doing the same old weight lifting and sit ups doesn't get the results.
Last week I was approached by Emily to see if I wanted to attend one of her classes. I mean, I was on the cycle doing my two hills that Pich recommended, and she just came right up to me. See this is what I mean about nurturing: there is always room for the spontaneous human connection as well as the disciplined work stuff. No one ever did that before, not at any gym I have ever used, and Emily was well....
How can I begin to describe Emily? She gives you the impression that she was raised by warrior elves, in an enchanted forest near a glistening waterfall, eating pink and chartreuse fruits and drinking bubble tea. She has this adorable unassuming (truly unassuming) way with us, and yet, you know she is really fit, so I guess that warrior has to come out somewhere right?
How could I say "no"? After all, although I liked my work out, it was getting easy . . . sort of, and I needed to find some new tricks in the business of getting the abdominals to start fending for themselves a little. That's why I like all the training that goes on around me. It keeps me curious, They KNOW things, and are very willing to keep us in the know.
Lucky me. I was the only one who said sure! So I got to have a private session and the nurturing began. She showed me some floor exercises and some of them were hard and some were easy, and some were funny to do, like the one where you lie on your back and catch a ball first with your hands and then with your feet. The elves must have taught her that one.
As for the sauna, it was great. It is always great. I have found that I like to keep my head covered when using it though. It somehow feels better to do that. Just a simple cotton scarf or an old t-shirt seems to work.
About the infrared combined with exercise: My clothes zip up better everything buttons and my "fat' jeans are starting to be my "fat" jeans again, after only 4 weeks. It is a relief. I don't have to buy new clothes..... bummer. Maybe I can go shopping for smaller clothes a little later.
I never imagined that fitness could be so serious and so nurturing at the same time. Not that nurturing isn't serious, but we tend to take it more lightly. Most adults feel like their time of nurturing is over. We need to be only nurturing others.
I haven't seen everything they do at the Contours on Apriana Rd, but I hear-tell the employees are going to hula hoop instructor's training this weekend, and that soon we will be able to take these fitness hula hoop classes. Will they stop at nothing???? HA! I have to see this for myself when the time comes.
So much you can do to stay fit, and so many levels available. Lots of times I don't know what I want to stick to. When I was swimming it was easier. But here it's not just the range of activities but also in the kinds of people who come. Grannies are doing the zumba here, (I may be one of them in the weeks to come -just don't film me) and 50 year olds look like athletes, while beginners of any age go into it with all the confidence in the world.
I remember a previous personal trainer in a previous life told me ....
changing your exercise really helps to keep you in better shape. Doing the same old weight lifting and sit ups doesn't get the results.
Last week I was approached by Emily to see if I wanted to attend one of her classes. I mean, I was on the cycle doing my two hills that Pich recommended, and she just came right up to me. See this is what I mean about nurturing: there is always room for the spontaneous human connection as well as the disciplined work stuff. No one ever did that before, not at any gym I have ever used, and Emily was well....
How can I begin to describe Emily? She gives you the impression that she was raised by warrior elves, in an enchanted forest near a glistening waterfall, eating pink and chartreuse fruits and drinking bubble tea. She has this adorable unassuming (truly unassuming) way with us, and yet, you know she is really fit, so I guess that warrior has to come out somewhere right?
How could I say "no"? After all, although I liked my work out, it was getting easy . . . sort of, and I needed to find some new tricks in the business of getting the abdominals to start fending for themselves a little. That's why I like all the training that goes on around me. It keeps me curious, They KNOW things, and are very willing to keep us in the know.
Lucky me. I was the only one who said sure! So I got to have a private session and the nurturing began. She showed me some floor exercises and some of them were hard and some were easy, and some were funny to do, like the one where you lie on your back and catch a ball first with your hands and then with your feet. The elves must have taught her that one.
As for the sauna, it was great. It is always great. I have found that I like to keep my head covered when using it though. It somehow feels better to do that. Just a simple cotton scarf or an old t-shirt seems to work.
About the infrared combined with exercise: My clothes zip up better everything buttons and my "fat' jeans are starting to be my "fat" jeans again, after only 4 weeks. It is a relief. I don't have to buy new clothes..... bummer. Maybe I can go shopping for smaller clothes a little later.