Sunday 11 May 2014


One of the claims of the benefits of infrared sauna is that it gets rid of cellulite.

From the get go I wondered, "Well, even if that is true, how long is that going to take?", expecting to read something saying that - 10 years of regular infrared sauna used along with regular exercise and a vegan diet will diminish cellulite by 20%.  I didn't actually read anything like that.

I have been out of the loop a little where natural health remedies are concerned. It is as if I learned all I wanted to know about 3 years ago, and I'm just going to go with that. Cellulite was not a top priority for me.

I am into doing whatever it takes to stay young, not skinny, not sexy, but young. I'm am a little bit of a fanatic. It is fun, and it is worth the reads in the health magazines.  I get to have something to talk about that isn't gossip, and everyone learns something.

Youthfulness is basically a healthy lifestyle, clean food, low fat, plenty of water, exercise, certain vitamins, natural sugars (not refined), the right amount of sleep. . . Anything else is expensive, cosmetic, surgical, and perhaps unnatural.

That motivation to stay young is in all of us no matter what our age. Think only of tales of the Fountain of Youth.  Take a look at the cosmetics industry, the place where we gladly put our money in exchange for beauty. Sadly, staying young has been so commercialized that it takes a lot of fun out of actually doing it.  You know, the standard is the media standard which equals pressure. The look is the photoshopped look, more pressure. The goal is the unrealistic goal of trying to be a better version of who we once were, instead of the best person we can be now. . .  and at this moment I can hear my father saying, "real beauty is in the heart".

Cellulite is definitely in the skin and it is a sign of something.  I never cared to know.

I guess one of the signs of aging is the presence of cellulite.  That hard fatty substance that lodges in your upper legs and maybe arms and torso.  It keeps your skin from looking smooth and soft and .. wait for it, .... wait for it...  YOUNG.

What is Cellulite and what are the available treatments for it.

Cellulite has been hated as the menace of womanhood since I can remember hearing my aunties complain when we would all be poolside. All I ever heard was that treatments were expensive and unsuccessful overall.  Like it only works on ballerinas and olympic swimmers, and Hollywood celebs because they can't afford for it not to. I dismissed any thought of trying to rid myself of it. It seemed a waste of time. When I got to the infrared claims a couple of weeks ago, I merely dismissed them too. Frankly I didn't care.  

How to treat Cellulite  :  another perspective. Notice they end the article with the words "good luck".  Do I detect a tone of sarcasm?

Here is the reality:  infrared is working  to get rid of cellulite from me.  ME???  .... the one who didn't care!  HA! Unbelievable: I'm really glad about something I didn't care about. That's funny! It feels good that it is going away.  I am inclined to believe that toxins and the lymphatic system are how cellulite gets is unwanted resting place in our thighs, and I am convinced that exercise and infrared are getting rid of it.

My experience is this.  After the sauna, I drink a lot of water, and try to keep my diet really clean and healthy.  By evening I start to feel mild cold symptoms.   After a few hours of that, I feel better.  Then I start to notice that the cellulite is going away.  Often I don't believe it myself so I do a little test pinch or something and surely it is already looking better.  How many visits to the sauna?  I think only 4 so far.

Gosh I feel like a blooming revolutionary or something.

I'm going to get another glass of water.

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